Tuesday 24 March 2009

Our speaker at last week's Tuesday lunch was Nick Holtam, vicar of St Martin's in the Fields. He told us about the work at the church, andthe ways in which the story of the church drew on and refelcted the story of their patron saint, St Martin. And during his talk, he looked over and asked "Do Baptist church have patron saints"
Of course, on the whole, the answer is no, not officially, and not usually referred to in our name. We tend to be called after our street or district.
But his question has started me wondering. If we were to have a patron saint, who would it be?
Nick demonstrated how the story of St Martin, a soldier, who was later baptised and worked for peace, a man who gavehalf his cloak to a beggar, somebody who practised hospitality had shaped the practices and indentity of a church which looked after soldiers travelling through London during the wars, while praying for conscientious objectors at a time when most people denounced them, and then developed the welcoming work into their fantastic work among the homeless of central London.
Whose story is reflected in our life - and whose story would we like to be part of? So far, I have come up with Martin Luther King Jr, largely because of his visit here; Deitrich Bonhoeffer, whose theology has been so important for many of us; Hildegard of Bingen, a German nun who wrote wonderful music, and was convinced that God's care for creation was part of the glory of loving God; Dirk Willems, an Anabaptist who saved his guard when the guard was faced with drowning.
But the choosing of a patron saint is surely a communal activity. What suggestions do you have? Please let me know.

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